Borehole Drilling Supervision
A successful borehole requires an integrated supervision approach and techniques which can ensure that boreholes are drilled according to the technical specification. Sahan Pioneers introduces time & money saving approach for borehole supervision in Somalia by employing geophysical well logging technology. Borehole logging enables the driller or geologist/geophysicist to “see” the critical characteristics of a potential well that are unobtainable by other methods. The Motorized and fully automatic Mountsopris geophysical well logging (MXA logging winch 500m) equipped with electrical logging probe (16 & 64 normal resistivity, SP, SPR and Gama ray) and Flued conductivity/temperature probe positively identify:
❖ Aquifer thickness.
❖ Water quality.
Saline and freshwater zones in the borehole. Porosity of the water bearing formations.
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